aria-errormessage property

We have aria-describedby attribute in the aria 1.0. what we as authors have been doing is that we associate instructions as well as inline error message of the form control by using aria-describedby attribute. Let us understand what does an inline error message mean.

imagine there is a form on the page. Form has first name, last name, and submit controls. When submit button is invoked without providing any input in the both fields then it displays inline error messages. For the first name form field, it displays the “please enter first name” as inline error message. For the last name form field, it displays the “please enter last name” as inline error message. We have been associating these type of inline error messages by using aria-describedby attribute so far.

Aria 1.1 introduced aria-errormessage attribute to associate these type of inline error messages with the form fields. It claims that it is more semantic method to associate the error messages by using aria-errormessage instead of using aria-describedby attributes. The aria-errormessage attribute references another element that contains custom error message text.

Author notes

  • Authors can use this attribute on all the elements of base markup
  • author should use aria-invalid attribute in conjunction with aria-errormessage.
  • aria-errormessage should not be applicable if the object is in the valid state and either has aria-invalid set to false or no aria-invalid attribute
  • Author should ensure that error message is visible on the screen when it is displayed.
  • Authors MAY use live regions for the error message element applying either an aria-live property or using one of the live region roles, for example, alert.


Sample code snippet

<!– Initial valid state –>

<label for=”startTime”> Please enter a start time for the meeting: </label>

<input id=”startTime” type=”text” aria-errormessage=”msgID” value=”” aria-invalid=”false”>

<span id=”msgID” aria-live=”off” style=”visibility:hidden”> Invalid time:  the time must be between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM” </span>


<!– User has input an invalid value –>

<label for=”startTime”> Please enter a start time for the meeting: </label>

<input id=”startTime” type=”text” aria-errormessage=”msgID” aria-invalid=”true” value=”11:30 PM” >

<span id=”msgID” aria-live=”assertive” style=”visibility:visible”> Invalid time:  the time must be between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM” </span>



Searchbox role

Did you see any website without search form field? Almost every website usually has this search form field. The purpose of having this search form field on the website is to search as per user need and navigate to the respective sections quickly  instead of browsing the entire website. Imagine, this search form field is not constructed with html input type search and is constructed with the custom controls then this search form control might not be accessible to assistive technology users. if this search form control cannot be constructed with html input type search for some reason then we are left with the option of using new aria1.1 searchbox role to make this custom control accessible.

Aria1.1 Searchbox role can be used for the type of textbox intended for specifying search criteria . When searchbox role is applied to container then screen readers are expected to announce as “search edit type and text” or something like that. Search role and searchbox role are different from each other and they are not identical/same. To be precise, The role=”searchbox” must be provided for focusable element whereas role=”search” is the landmark that includes focusable active elements. On the similar lines, textbox role and searchbox role are different from each other and they are not same/identical. Searchbox role is equivalent of the html <input type=”search” element.

Author notes

  • Author must set the accessible name when searchbox role is used



Code snippet


<div id=’test’ role=’searchbox’ contenteditable=’true’></div>





aria-haspopup attribute was present in the aria1.0 as well but few modifications have been made to this attribute in aria1.1. Before we get into that, Let us understand what is popup content as per the specification. Popup content usually appears as a block of content that is on top of other content. It could be menu, dialog, and so on..

In aria 1.0, aria-haspopup values are limited to only true/false. But in aria 1.1, aria-haspopup has list of token values and it is enumerated type. The token values are:

  • Aria-haspopup=”false”, indicates the element does not have any popup
  • Aria-haspopup=”true”, indicates that popup is menu
  • Aria-haspopup=”menu”, indicates that popup is menu
  • Aria-haspopup=”dialog”, indicates that popup is dialog
  • Aria-haspopup=”grid”, indicates that popup is grid
  • Aria-haspopup=”listbox”, indicates that popup is listbox
  • Aria-haspopup=”tree”, indicates that popup is tree

Aria-haspopup=”true” and aria-haspopup=”menu” are one and the same and aria-popup=”true” is for to support the backward compatibility.

Notes for assistive technology vendors

  • Any other value apart from the above mentioned token values should be treated as aria-haspopup=”false”, by assistive technologies which means that element does not have popup.

Author notes

  • Author should use Aria-haspopup attribute only for keyboard focusable elements.
  • Author should not set this attribute for the element that opens tooltip as popup and tooltip are not one and the same.

Sample Code Snippets

button haspopup unspecified

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role but not expected to expose aria-haspopup

button haspopup true

Note: as discussed earlier, the ARIA spec says “To provide backward compatibility with ARIA 1.0 content, user agents must treat an aria-haspopup value of true as equivalent to a value of menu.”

if given

<div role=”button” aria-haspopup=”true” id=”test”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to  expose the button role and aria-haspopup=”menu”

button haspopup false

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”false”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies  are expected to expose the button role but are not expected to expose aria-haspopup

button haspopup dialog

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”dialog”>




then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role along with the presence of the dialog.

button haspopup grid

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”grid”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role along with the presence of grid.

button haspopup listbox

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”listbox”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role along with the presence of listbox.

button haspopup menu

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”menu”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role along with the presence of menu.

button haspopup tree

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”tree”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role along with the presence of tree.


button haspopup suman

if given

<div id=”test” role=”button” aria-haspopup=”suman”>



then for the element of id test, assistive technologies are expected to expose the button role but are not expected to expose aria-haspopup as the value “suman” is not the accepted token value.



1.3.4: Orientation -New SC in the WCAG 2.1

Success Criterion 1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA): Content does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation, such as portrait or          landscape, unless a specific display orientation is essential.
Examples where a particular display orientation may be essential are a bank check, a piano application, slides for a projector or television, or virtual reality content where binary display orientation is not applicable.



There are some users, especially people with cerebral palsy who uses wheel chair, keep their phone/tab in the fixed orientation(either portrait or landscape). In other words, phone/tab is mounted on their wheel chairs and cannot be rotated very easily. What if website is designed in such a way that it needs to be viewed only in the particular orientation and user is expected to rotate their device to match the requirement. In that case, website is going to become unusable for those users and it is a problem.

WCAG 2.1 introduced a new checkpoint/success criteria  called “1.3.4: Orientation” to address this type of problems.  This success criterion requires the content to be displayed in both orientations(portrait and landscape). In a simple words, websites and applications need to support both orientations by not restricting the orientation. Changes in content or functionality due to the size of display are not covered by this criteria which is focused on restrictions of orientation.

Pass scenarios

Let us look into the few scenarios where it meets this success criteria.

  • Online video site: A video is shown in either portrait or in landscape based on the user’s chosen orientation.
  • Messaging website: A messaging website can display messages in both portrait and landscape orientations.
  • eReader web app: An eReader web app can display the contents of a book in both portrait and landscape orientation.


In all the above cases, the content is displayed in the both orientations and therefore, it satisfies this success criterion.

Exception scenarios

There are exceptions to this success criterion. If the specific display orientation is essential then it is not required to meet this success criteria. Let us look into the few examples where the specific orientation is essential

  • Check deposit in banking app: An example where orientation is essential could be a banking app that requires the device be in landscape mode to easily and accurately capture an image of a check for deposit. These paper forms are typically about twice as wide as they are high.
  • Piano app: An example where orientation is essential could be a piano app that requires the device to be in landscape mode to allow room for enough of the piano keys to be functionally usable. Since a piano app is emulating a physical piano keyboard that needs to retain relative physical characteristics between keys, either too few keys would be available, or the keys would be much too narrow.


In the above cases, it Is not necessary to meet this success criterion as specific orientation is essential. In other words, if screen orientation is changed for the above cases then purpose is going to be lost.

Optional notes on the device level orientation and system level orientation

Device level orientation and system level orientation are not one and the same. Device level orientation generally refers to the actual rotation of the device either from the landscape to portrait or portrait to landscape but not the content as a whole. What does it mean? Let me put it in the simple way. While viewing the website in the portrait on your device, we might want to view it to the landscape for the different reason. What we do is that we rotate the actual device from the portrait to landscape in order to view in the landscape orientation. When we do so, do you think website is also going to be changed as per the device landscape orientation. Answer is no. the reason is that we are just rotating the device but not the content as a whole. Ok, then whose responsibility is to change the content as per the device orientation. Answer is the system level orientation.

Even though the content Is not restricted to particular orientation, there are certain scenarios where the content would not reflow as per the device display orientation. When does that happen? It happens when the device is locked at particular orientation. The content would not re-flow how much ever we turn the device when the device is locked. To put it in the simpler, when we rotate the device with the device orientation locked then device is going to be turned but the content does not re-flow as per the device orientation despite of the content is not being restricted by the author. It is important to distinguish between an author’s responsibility not to restrict content to a specific orientation, and device-specific settings governing the locking of display orientation.

Many hand-held devices offer a mechanical switch or a system setting (or both) to allow the user to lock the device display to a specific orientation. Where a user decides to lock their entire device to an orientation, all applications are expected to pick up that setting and to display content accordingly.

This Success Criterion complements device “lock orientation” settings. A web page that does not restrict its display orientation will always support the system-level orientation setting, since the system setting is picked up by the user agent. Alternatively, where a device-level orientation lock is not in place, the user agent should display the page according to the orientation of the device (either its default, or the current orientation determined by any device sensors).



  • Users with dexterity impairments, who have a mounted device will be able to use the content in their fixed orientation.
  • Users with low-vision will be able to view content in the orientation that works best for them, for example to increase the text size by viewing content in landscape.


Here are the few techniques that author can use to meet this success criterion

  • Using CSS to set the orientation to allow both landscape and portrait.
  • Use of show/hide controls to allow access to content in different orientations.

·        References

Accessibility Tools for Native Apps

I think everybody in the planet uses mobiles in this modern era and most of them use smart phones. In the earlier days, probably some years ago, we used to have basic phones through which we can make and receive calls and to the maximum, we can view SMS. With the evolution of smart phones, we can access the any information at our fingertips. The examples could be online shopping; booking flights, tickets, reading the materials, and so on… all these things are possible through apps on the phone. Imagine these apps are not accessible; people with disabilities are excluded in accessing the apps. As a whole, the phone is unusable for the people with disabilities. Making the apps accessible is very important in order to include people with disabilities. As soon as people hear app accessibility, they wonder how they can make the mobile apps accessible. Nothing to be panic. Like web accessibility, there are 2 methods to evaluate the accessibility on the native apps. One is manual and other one is automation. In this post, let us understand what automation tools are available for the native apps in the both iPhone and android platforms. Below are the tools that I have put together that I know but it does not mean that  it is end of the list and there might be many automation tools in the market. With that note, Let us begin


WorldSpace Attest by Deque Systems

This tool is licensed.  Attest IOS is available as library for native IOS applications, while developing the applications users can integrate the Attest library into their code and analyze the developed code at node level and also for the complete screen that is displayed, users can run the tests on simulated device or a real one. This can be achieved in three simple steps once the code is ready and opened in any IDE, generally for IOS we prefer XCODE.

  • Copy the provided license shell script into Run script section of Build Phases ->New Run Phase Script
  • Build the app to download the Attest framework ,configure the libraries and link binaries with libraries for the downloaded framework
  • Call required methods from the downloaded libraries to analyze the developed app at node level or screen level.

The results are listed in the console as json, along with it we can install a desktop application or run a http server to view them in readable html format.

This can be used to perform accessibility testing when the app is being developed. A free version available in github. When we run the automation testing on the any app by using this tool then no false positives are listed and results are accurate. This tool runs with around 18 rulesets and it is pretty good. To know more about this tool, visit WorldSpace Attest for iOS by Deque systems





Accessibility inspector by Apple

This tool helps to evaluate the app on iPhone but it requires MAC machine. Below are the step by step instructions to perform the automation testing by using accessibility inspector.



  • Install the latest Xcode in the MAC
  • Connect the MAC and iOS device
  • Navigate
    • Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Accessibility Inspector in the menu bar or Dock
    • Target chooser > select iPhone
    • Click Run Audit


That is all you are done, you would get the automation issues like accessible name is not provided for the buttons, zooming is not enabled and so on.. I felt that this tool is helpful! To know more about the accessibility inspector, visit Accessibility inspector by apple


Color contrast app by User Light Ltd

It is free app by user light and step by step instructions are provided below to perform the color contrast by using this app.



  • Take the screenshot of the screen that you would like to perform color contrast testing
  • Browse this screenshot through the app
  • Use two color pickers to select two colors (background & foreground) And see results at bottom


What we usually do is that we take the screenshot of native app screen and send it to our desktops. From the desktop, we use typical Color contrast analyzer

to perform the color contrast testing. This app helps avoid all these steps and we can perform the color contrast test on your mobile itself. This tool is pretty good and it is really helpful. To know more about this app, please visit Color contrast app for iOS by User light



WorldSpace Attest by Deque Systems

This tool is licensed. Attest Mobile operates via a secure application on the developer’s mobile device that interfaces with a corresponding desktop application to provide detailed accessibility issue reporting, including advanced issue descriptions and remediation guidance from Deque University. This is available in two flavors:

  • As a service for android and a desktop client
  • As a library that can be integrated with code to analyze the app while being developed


  1. Testers: Mobile app and site quality assurance testing professionals can use the attest android service and desktop client to analyze an installed app. The pre-requisites include android version of 4.2 or higher, a space of 8 MB on the mobile, talk- back service should be off the desktop and mobile should be on same network. The analysis against accessibility can be done in three simple steps:
    • Install the Attest android service on the mobile through provided link of App store and enable the service
    • Install the desktop client – available for IOS and Windows, launch it and connect to the device. The desktop client can scan for all the android devices on which Attest service is installed.
    • Open the app on the connected device and click on a button in the desktop client. This runs analysis against the visible screen of the opened app and violations are listed in the desktop client in readable format.
  2. Developers: Android application developers can access the attest libraries available and integrate into the developed code. Once access to the libraries are obtained, they need to reference the required classes and call methods to run analysis against accessibility. This can be done at node level or at the complete screen level. This involves the following three simple steps:
    • Configure build.gradle file for required Attest libraries
    • Build the project so that the dependencies are downloaded for the project
    • Write a test calling the methods in the Attest library to run accessibility audit


This tool can be used during development of the product and also after it is installed on the mobile. When we run the automation testing on the any app by using this tool then it does not throw any false positives and it is 100% accurate. This tool runs with around 18 rulesets and it is pretty good. To know more about this tool, visit WorldSpace Attest for Android by Deque Systems or watch WorldSpace Attest-android API integration demo(video)



Google accessibility scanner

It is free service by Google and the below are the step by step instructions to perform automation testing with the help of this tool.


  • Download and Install this app from the play store
  • Navigate to settings>accessibility>google accessibility scanner
  • Turn on the google accessibility scanner. Once it is turned on, accessibility scanner icon pops up on the every screen of your app
  • Navigate to the app screen that you would like to perform automation testing and Tap on the accessibility scanner icon
  • That is all it shows results


Unfortunately, Talkback users cannot tap on the accessibility scanner very efficiently as it requires explore by touch. Once the results are displayed, talkback users can navigate the results screen and understand the issues on the screen. What I observed is that this scanner runs with 5 to 6 rules and it displays the issues like touch target size, text contrast, multiple items have same description, and so on.. what I noticed is that this just throws the issues that are designed related issues. To know more about this tool, visit Accessibility scanner by Google


Lint in Android Studio

There is a Lint feature in the Android studio and it comes by default along with the android studio. Basically it is for developers and this tool helps to identify the accessibility issues during the development phase of the app itself. Please visit android accessibility tutorial

To know related information.

How to Filter Accessibility Issues

  • File > Other settings > default settings >
  • Editor > Inspections

How to Run Lint

  • Analyze > inspect code

This tool throws the issues like label missing for attribute, content description is missing and so on.. if you take care of the accessibility issues thrown by lint during the development itself then your app is good in terms of accessibility to some extent.





WCAG2.1 overview

Web content accessibility guidelines(WCAG)2.1 has become W3C recommendation just a couple of days ago and it is on 5 June 2018. I think this should be most memorable day for all of us. In fact, we need to celebrate this day as we have got additional guidelines almost after 10 and half years. Yes, WCAG2.0 evolved on 11 December 2008 as W3C recommendation. With the introduction of WCAG2.1, let us hope that web is going to be much more accessible than ever before. now it is the time to explore this topic.

What’s new in WCAG 2.1

The important information that we need to understand is that all success criteria from 2.0 are included in 2.1. The 2.0 success criteria are exactly the same (verbatim, word-for-word) in 2.1. WCAG 2.1 provides 17 additional success criteria and out of 17  success criteria, 5 of them are levelA, 7 of them are levelAA, and 5 of them are levelAAA. All these success criteria addresses:

  • mobile accessibility
  • people with low vision
  • people with cognitive and learning disabilities

For users of mobile devices, WCAG 2.1 provides updated guidance including support for user interactions using touch, handling more complex gestures, and for avoiding unintended activation of an interface. For users with low vision, WCAG 2.1 extends contrast requirements to graphics, and introduces new requirements for text and layout customization to support better visual perception of web content and controls. For users with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities, WCAG 2.1 improvements include a requirement to provide information about the specific purpose of input controls, as well as additional requirements to support timeouts due to inactivity. This can help many users better understand web content and how to successfully interact with it.

As with WCAG 2.0, following these guidelines will continue to make content more accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity, and learning disabilities and cognitive limitations. Following these guidelines can also make websites more usable for all users.

All the names of the new guidelines are listed below as we are going to discuss each one of them as deep as possible in the coming blog posts.


  • 1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA)
  • 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (AA)
  • 1.3.6 Identify Purpose (AAA)
  • 1.4.10 Reflow (AA)
  • 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast (AA)
  • 1.4.12 Text Spacing (AA)
  • 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA)
  • 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (A)
  • 2.2.6 Timeouts (AAA)
  • 2.3.3 Animation from Interactions (AAA)
  • 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (A)
  • 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (A)
  • 2.5.3 Label in Name (A)
  • 2.5.4 Motion Actuation (A)
  • 2.5.5 Target Size (AAA)
  • 2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanisms (AAA)
  • 4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)



Let us understand how does assistive technologies like screen reader identifies the column count and row count in the table. It is very simple. Screen reader looks at the DOM and calculates how many rows and how many columns are present in the table. Based on that, screen reader would announce the no of columns and no of rows as accordingly. When table receives the focus, For the instance, screen reader would announce like “table with 16 columns and 3 rows” or something like that. The announcement of 16 columns could be appropriate as DOM contains 16 columns. Let me be very specific with the column count and I would not talk much about row count in this post. However, at times, author might have to hide few columns and show only few other columns. In this case, screen reader announcement may not be appropriate with respect to the total number of columns. I think I confused you a lot. Let us understand this with the simple hypothesis example.

There is table with 16 columns in total. Out of 16 columns, 12 columns are hidden and 4 of them are visually shown. Even DOM contains 4 columns itself. We see this type of show and hide columns when we apply filters in the few applications. In any case, When we run screen reader on this table then obviously screen reader would announce it as “table with 4 columns”. Do you think this announcement is appropriate? Answer is yes and no. The reason for yes is that screen reader announces the whatever the DOM contains. The reason for no is that there are 16 columns in total but screen reader user is not aware of this information with the announcement that is being made currently(just to reiterate, the announcement from the screen reader is “table with 4 columns”). In a nutshell, the information about the total no of columns is not being announced to the screen reader users along with the visible number of columns and this is problem.

In order to address this problem, aria 1.1 introduced new attribute called aria-colcount. When this property is applied with some integer value to the table container then screen reader would announce the visible no of columns as well as total no of columns. Let me take the same above hypothesis example. When aria-colcount property is defined with 16 to the above table container then screen reader is expected to announce it as “table with 4 of 16 columns” something like that. With this announcement, screen reader user would understand that there are 4 visible columns out of 16 total columns. .

In a broader view, When the number of columns represented by the DOM structure is not the total number of columns available for a table, grid, or treegrid, the aria-colcount property is used to communicate the total number of columns available, and it is accompanied by the aria-colindex property to identify the column indices of the columns that are present in the DOM.


Author notes

  • Author should use this property for the below roles only
  • Author should not use this property when all the columns are present in the DOM
  • Author should use this property only when portion of columns is present in the DOM at a given moment,
  • Authors MUST set the value of aria-colcount to an integer equal to the number of columns in the full table.
  • authors MUST set the value of aria-colcount to -1 if the total no of columns is unknown to indicate that the value should not be calculated by the assistive technologies.



The following example shows a grid with 16 columns, of which columns 2, 3, 4, and 9 are displayed to the user.

<div role=”grid” aria-colcount=”16″>

<div role=”rowgroup”>

<div role=”row”>

<span role=”columnheader” aria-colindex=”2″>First Name</span>

<span role=”columnheader” aria-colindex=”3″>Last Name</span>

<span role=”columnheader” aria-colindex=”4″>Company</span>

<span role=”columnheader” aria-colindex=”9″>Phone</span>



<div role=”rowgroup”>

<div role=”row”>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”2″>Fred</span>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”3″>Jackson</span>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”4″>Acme, Inc.</span>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”9″>555-1234</span>


<div role=”row”>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”2″>Sara</span>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”3″>James</span>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”4″>Acme, Inc.</span>

<span role=”gridcell” aria-colindex=”9″>555-1235</span>







Responsive Web Design(RWD) and it’s Accessibility-Part2

This blog is continuation of Responsive Web Design(RWD) and it’s Accessibility-Part1

and let us understand how do we get those default accessibility benefits when RWD is done properly.


Key components of RWD:

There are 4 key components of RWD and they are

  1. View port
  2. Flexible layout
  3. Resizable images
  4. Media queries


View port

view port is nothing but it obtains your screen resolution and stores it. It is html 5 tag and it needs to be declared in the header of html. The syntax is as follows:

<meta name=view port>

We need to define few attributes here and they are:

  • width=devicewidth: This attribute helps to obtain the screen resolution
  • min value=1: This attribute helps web content to spread 100% within the container
  • max value=2: This attribute enables the zooming feature. user can zoom the content up to 200%
  • User zoom: if user zoom is set to no then user cannot zoom the content and therefore, always set user zoom to yes to enable the zoom feature

Accessibility implication

The accessibility implication is that user can zoom the web content in the small resolution as well


Flexible layout

Before we get into the flexible layout, let us understand the fixed layouts.


Don’t use fixed, inflexible layout

In the olden days, we used to have fixed layout websites because users to use to access the sites only in the desktops. Let us understand this with the simple hypothesis example.

There is a container with 500px. Out of this 500px, 150px in the left column is occupied with the 2 list items and 350px in the right column is occupied with the paragraph. This is fixed layout. When it is viewed in the desktop then it looks very beautiful. However, if this is viewed in the mobile device then it looks odd and the complete site is going to be broken with some horizontal scrolling and all. We can overcome this problem by using flexible layouts.

Do use flexible layout or flexible unit

Flexible layout is nothing but fixed layout becomes percentage layout and the content reflows as per the screen size and the site looks good. Let us take same hypothesis example.

Let us consider 500px container is 100%. The left column becomes 30% and the right column becomes 70%. How do we obtain this percentages. We have formula here. The formula is element unit/parent unit=relative unit. Here, for left column, 150/500=0.3*100=30%

When we see this site in the mobile then it looks beautiful with the content reflow vertically as per your screen size.

Accessibility implication

The accessibility implication is that the content will be reflowed vertically as per your screen size when user tries to zoom the web content

media queries.

Before we understand what is media queries, let us understand why we should not use breakpoints and why we should use media queries instead

Don’t use break points

We should not use breakpoints for each screen resolution. For example, we have got new devices in the market that has the 1024px and 1280px screen size. Do you think we need to have breakpoints for those 2 screen resolutions? Answer is that we should not instead we should use media queries with ranges


Do use media queries

Media queries are nothing but it will change your website layout as per the screen size when appropriate styles are defined. . Let us look into the different examples now.

mega menu in the desktop will get converted into hamburger menu in the mobile(which means you are changing the layout of your mobile web as per the screen size). the same mega menu will be spanned over into 2 different lines in the tablet view and it might be different in the portrait and landscape views. how does this is possible?

It is possible by using only media queries. We can define the media queries for particular resolution ranges. We should define the media queries for 3 ranges(small, medium, and large) along with custom styling and design.

  • Small-up to 500px with custom styles and design(phones)
  • Medium-from 500px to 1000px with custom styles and design(tablets)
  • Large-more than 1000px with custom styles and design(desktops)

If user’s device size match with any one of the above query criteria then the layout of the website is going to be changed accordingly.

Let us take the same 500px container as an example and define the styles in the media query that 2 column layout should convert into one single column layout one below other if it is viewed in the mobile site. When it is viewed in the mobile device that has screen size 400px then it will convert 2 single column layout into one single column layout. What does it do in the behind?

  • Check the users device size
  • Check device size 400px is matching to which query criteria

Here it matches to the 500px query criteria(in the small screen)

and apply those corresponding custom styles and design to web site. it would display 2 column layout  to one column layout. the content is not clutter and clear and hence, cognitive disability users would not get confused.

Accessibility implication

Accessibility implication is that cognitive disabilities would not get confused as The content is not cluttered and the content is clear

Resizable or flexible images


Do not use fixed images

Let us imagine we have 600px fixed image and we need to insert this 600px image in to the same above container 500px. When we inserted the big image into the small container then image is going to be broken and it is not viewable anymore. To avoid this problem one needs to use flexible or resizable images

Do use  flexible images

It is simple to use flexible images. We just need to avoid using the fixed height and width and start using the maxwidth=100%. When we use maxwidth=100% then 600px image will shrink or resize into the 500px container and looks beautiful. Similarly, when we are trying to insert small image into big container then our image is going to expand or resize as per the screen size and looks beautiful.


Accessibility implication

The accessibility implication is that image is viewable clearly without any loss even it is zoomed

Responsive Web Design(RWD) and it’s Accessibility-Part1

What is RWD

RWD refers to responsive web design and RWD is coined by Ethan Marcotte. RWD is nothing but crafting your website as per the screen size. We don’t need to build many websites for the different screen sizes. For an instance, it is not necessary to build separate websites for desktop, mobile, and tablet views. If site is responsive then it is all one single website and website adopts as per the size screen. This is the beauty of RWD and having one single website for all the possible screen sizes reduces the maintainers cost too.

can RWD be good for accessibility?

When we make RWD properly then we would get default accessibility benefits. Let me put it in other way. If you are focusing to build responsive website then some of the accessibility issues would be taken care automatically. what are those default accessibility benefits? or what are those accessibility issues that are being taken care on the fly?, will discuss them in details in the coming sections. For now, just remember, we would get default accessibility benefits if RWD is done properly. We would also discuss in the coming sections how do we achieve those benefits by using responsive techniques such as view port, fluid or flexible layout, resizable images, and media queries.

What is the commonality between accessibility and responsive web design

Can you think of any commonality between RWD and accessibility? There is a commonality. Let me explain that. RWD is talking about how good or how well your site is going to be fit/adopted to different devices such as mobile, tablets and so on.. in a way, RWD is targeting to reach out as many as users who are accessing the site in the different devices. Accessibility is talking about providing an equal opportunity for all the users including people with disability. In a way, it is targeting to reach as many as users to access the web. To conclude, the commonality between them is that reaching out as many as users in both RWD and accessibility.


Accessibility Benefits of RWD

RWD principles benefit to people with disability to access desktop and mobile websites. What are those benefits? The following are the default benefits when RWD is done properly..

  1. Visually impaired:
  • Users can understand and navigate the content easily as the content in the mobile web pages is less
  • RWD follows certain standards and it is good for assistive technologies. Assistive technologies exposes the name, role, and value of standards or standard controls  properly/appropriately than custom controls


  1. Low vision:
  • Users can zoom the content even in the small resolutions without horizontal scrolling
  • Users can magnify the images and get optimum experience in all the screen sizes
  • This is not related to low vision specific but it is in general. Responsive sites are readable in all the screen sizes without further zooming


  1. Motor disability:
  • Users can accomplish task quickly as the content and navigation is stream lined
  • The touch target size is large enough and users can touch in the expected areas appropriately


  1. Cognitive disability:
  • The content is clear and not clutter and hence, cognitive disability users would not get confused


Accessibility and RWD:

If your site is responsive then do you think your site is completely accessible? Answer is no. Both RWD and accessibility are complement to each other. However, it does not mean that if you make responsive site then entire site is going to be accessible. Let us see few scenarios in which the type of accessibility issues that we get although your site is responsive

  1. Hamburger menu-all the menu items in the mega menu are visible in the desktop world. However, the same menu items get collapsed into one single hamburger menu. The state of hamburger menu to be exposed to the screen readers. This is accessibility violation and it can be fixed by using some aria techniques but nothing to do how well you are done RWD
  2. Focus management-when hamburger menu is clicked in the above scenario then focus is not moved to the newly displayed content and focus is moved to somewhere else. It is accessibility violation and nothing to do with RWD. Sometimes, hidden controls get focused during tab or swipe navigation and those hidden controls should not be in the focus order. Always, focus order should match with visual order.
  3. Focus visible: as the user navigates on the screen by using swipe and tab navigation, there should be visible focus for the element that user navigated to, so that users can understand where they are
  4. Reading order: in the responsive sites, hidden content is exposed to the screen readers sometimes. Reading order should match with visual order. This is accessibility violation and nothing to do how well you are done RWD
  5. Color contrast: the color contrast between background to foreground should be 4.5:1 in all the platforms


These are simple examples to make you understand what type of accessibility issues we may encounter although your site is responsive. Let us get into the our actual focus and it is how do we achieve those default accessibility benefits when RWD is done properly. To continue reading, visit part2 of this post.


How am I independent at my work place

Most of the organizations would think a lot to hire person with disability in spite of the skill that he/she possess. The reason could be that employer may not aware of the fact that how well they are independent enough in doing their day to day activities. The few examples could be that how does person with visually challenged work on the computer? How does person with visually challenged come from home to office and vice-versa, and so on.. There would be many questions as such in employer mind and there is nothing wrong about this. It is the responsibility of person with disability to prove their confidence level in front of employer. Having said that, some employers hire person with disability but they may not aware of how can we make them productive. The example could be that if the screen reader software is not provided for the person with visually challenged then he/she would not productive at their work place. In other words, he/she is not independent enough in accessing the computer. In my view, the independence is just not only depends upon the employee with disability responsibility but also it depends upon the employer responsibility as well. What I meant is that if the reasonable accommodation for employee with disability is not provided by employer to perform day to day tasks at their work place then they would be not independent/productive. Let us take same example. If the screen reader software is provided for the visually challenged to access the computer then they would be independent in performing their job. This is just a simple example and employer should consider case by case and provide the reasonable accommodation. On the same lines, I would like to share how independent I am at my work place and how well my employer takes care of me to become independent.

You may or may not aware of that I am person with visually challenge and I work for Deque software. My employer provides all the necessary accommodation to make my job independent and they are:


  1. Email conversations: all the emails are accessible. In other words, if there is any picture in the email then it would have text alternatives. As emails are very critical in performing our day to day job, if these emails are not accessible, I would have been excluded in the critical part of the job. Let me explain with the example how my employer takes care of this. We usually have monthly meetings at my work place. As part of this, one or other employee presents the various topics. Employee who presents would send their presentation to the meeting organizer at least one day before. The organizer looks at the presentation in advance and sends accessible version in the email format before the meeting begins if there are any complex slides with graphs/chats/and so on.. Are present. this enables me to understand the intended meaning of the slide during actual presentation. This is how, our employer takes care of us
  2. Internal tools: There are many internal tools like intranet, time entry systems, WS Assure, and so on.. In our organization. All of them are accessible. Imagine if these internal tools are not accessible then I would not have become independent/productive. Let me talk about this with another scenario. One of my known persons is person with visually challenged and he is employed. The time system in his organization is not accessible. It would be very challenging for him to enter the time that he spent on various projects during the day in the time tracking system as it is not accessible. This makes him dependent and as a result, he cannot be satisfied at this job. You can understand now that how important the accessibility is for internal tools.
  3. Internal documents: there are many internal documents like SOWs in our organization. As the scope of each and every project is mentioned in the SOWs and it is critical information about the project, imagine if these documents are not accessible, I would not be independent enough in performing my job. Fortunately, I am blessed as all of the internal documents at our organization are accessible and this makes me independent in performing my job.
  4. Online meeting tools: as part of my job, I would need to attend the status and client calls. I would need to attend most of all these calls in the online as our project managers and clients are in the onsite. If these tools are not accessible then I would not be able to perform all necessary actions. Initially, I had tough time with few inaccessibility tools that our organization is using. Later, when we provided the feedback then organization procured the accessible online meeting tools. With the arrival of accessible online meeting tools at our organization, I am independent enough in accessing these tools.
  5. Online meetings: there are monthly meetings at our organization. Most of the monthly meetings would be held in the online. Live captioning is provided in these online meetings in order to include employees with hearing impaired. it may not be useful for me but I wanted everybody to understand how well our employer cares about
  6. Visual assistance: you might be wondering what is this visual assistance about. As part of my job, I need to perform accessibility audit on the various sites. While auditing the site for accessibility, I may not be able to understand complete page as sites contain inaccessible elements. To help with this, sighted person sits with me and explains the complete page and this we call as visual assistance. The explanation about the page helps us to visualize the page and this would also help us to raise the accurate accessibility issues. This way, I would be confident about the issues that I have reported to the client. Trust me, there are dedicated visual assistance resources at our organization to help us in this regards. Imagine if we do not have this visual assistance help then we cannot be confident about the issues that we have reported and our reports would become incomplete/inaccurate.
  7. Accountability and equal opportunity: some organizations hire person with disability but they are very scared for some reason to give the accountability of the various tasks to employee with disabilities. Time god, it is not the case at least in our organization. At our organization, I am accountable for the project deliveries, quality, and what not.. Along with this accountability, our employer provides equal opportunity in the career growth. It is very cool for us!
  8. External assets: our organization not only takes care of the accessibility of internal tools and documents but also takes care of the accessibility of external assets such as websites, invoices, proposals, and so on.. This itself tells that how well our organization deeply cares about all of us.
  9. Infrastructure accessibility: I have been talking so far about how well digital accessibility helped me in order to complete our job. Let me talk something different now and it is about implementation of carpet on the floor. You might be wondering what this carpet is about. Our organization placed carpet on the floor for employee with visually challenged to navigate the big hall way easier. In my experience, what I understood that When person with visually challenged navigates the big hall way without much reference then it would be high chance that he/she loses his/her way. In order to make the navigation easier on hall way for employee with visually challenged, our organization has taken the step to place the carpet on the floor.
  10. Transportation: last, but not least, our employer provides transportation facility to employee with disabilities. Without transportation facility, being person with visually challenged, commute would become very hassle. Office transportation makes my commute smoother and easier.


All the above factors make my job independent and help me to lead my professional and personal life with dignity and equality. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Deque leadership(Preety Kumar, Anik Ganguly, Sujasree Kurapati)  for making the work place inclusive to all. Trust me, it is awesome place to work!